The Rat Fan Club

Normal Lab Values

Updated 10/17/14

Normal blood pressure   60-90/75-120

Blood volume                5.6-7.1 ml/100g

Clotting time                  2-5 minutes


Rat Hematologic Reference Ranges1


RBC                       6.76-9.75 x 106/mm3

PCV                       37.6-50.6%

WBC                      6.6-12.6 x 103/mm3

Hemoglobin             11.5-16.1 g/dL

Neutrophils             1.77-3.38 x 103/mm3

Lymphocytes          4.78-9.12 x 103/mm3

Eosinophils              0.03-0.08 x 103/mm3

Monocytes              0.01-0.04 x 103/mm3

Basopnils                0.00-0.03 x 103/mm3

Platelets                  150-460 x 103/mL

      RBC = red blood cells

      PCV = packed cell volume

      WBC = white blook cells


Rat Biochemical Reference Ranges1

Total protein            5.6-7.6 g/dL

Albumin                  3.8-4.8 g/dL

Glucose                  50-135 mg/dL

BUN                      15-21 mg/dL

Creatinine               0.2-0.8 mg/dL

Sodium                   143-156 mEq/L

Potassium               5.4-7 mEq/L

Chloride                  100-110 mEq/L

Phosphorous           3.11-11 mg/dL

Calcium                  5.3-13 mg/dL

ALT                       17.5-30.2 U/L

AST                       45.7-80.8 U/L

Alkaline phos          56.8-128 U/L

Cholesterol              40-130 mg/dL

Total bilirubin          0.2-0.55 mg/dL

Amylase                 128-313 SU/dL

      BUN = blood urea nitrogen

      ALT = alanine aminotransferase

      AST = aspartate aminotransferase


Thyroid Hormones

(found at


FT3   3.53±0.219 pg/mL

FT4   0.89±0.042 ng/dL   

T3     110±13.59 ng/dL

T4     110±13.59 ng/dL

TSH  0.037±0.002 µIU/mL



Normal Urine Values2


Urine specific gravity     1.022-1.05

Urine pH                      5-7                                            

Protein                          <30

Glucose                        negative or trace             

Ketones                        negative                       

Bilirubin                        negative

Blood / Haemoglobin     negative


Microscopic on Sediment per High Power Field


White cells                    0-4

Epithelial cells               occasional

Casts                            rare (debris from kidney tubules)

Oil droplets                   normal

Bacteria                        none


1 Exotic Animal Companion Medicine Handbook for Veterinarians, Johnson-Delaney, C., 1996, Zoological Education Network

2Ferrets, Rabbits and Rodents, 2nd Edition, Quesenberry and Carpenter.


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