The Rat Fan Club

The Nutritional Requirements of Rats

as set by the National Research Council, USA


(g = gram, mg = milligram, mcg = microgram)


A rat will typically eat about 15 g of dry food blocks a day.  So a kg of diet will feed between 52 and 76 rats, depending on their size.  A rat needs about 60 calories a day depending on size.




Fat                                           5%


            growth & breeding        15%

            maintenance                  5%

Essential Fatty Acids                 0.6%




                                                                                                Approximate need

Vitamins                                                                                 for one rat per day


A                                 0.6 mg/kg of diet                                  0.11 - 1.2 mcg or 0.37 - 4 IU

D                                 1000 IU/kg of diet                                13 - 19.2 IU

E                                  35 mg/kg of diet                                   0.46 - 0.67 mg or 0.69 - 1 IU

Niacin                          20 mg/kg of diet                                   0.26 - 0.38 mg

Pantothenic Acid          8 mg/kg                                                0.1 - 0.15 mg

Riboflavin                     0.8 mg/1000 kcal of diet                       about 0.05 mg

Thiamin                        4 mg/kg of diet                                     0.053 - 0.077 mg

B6                                7 mg/kg of diet                                     0.09 - 0.13 mg

B12                              50 mcg/kg of diet                                  0.66 - 0.96 mcg


(For Vitamin A, 1 IU = 0.3 mcg, for Vitamin E one IU = 0.67 mg)

Vitamin A is one of the few vitamins that can cause problems if the dose is too high.  Chronic toxicity symptoms are hair loss and dry rough skin




Calcium                        5 g/kg of diet                                        0.066 - 0.96 g

Phosphorus                  4 g/kg of diet                                        0.05 - 0.77 g

Flouride                        1 mg/kg of diet                                     0.013 - 0.019 mg

Iodine                           0.15 mg/kg of diet                                2 - 2.9 mcg     

Chloride                       5 mg/kg of diet                                     0.066 - 0.96 mg

Iron                              35 mg/kg of diet                                   0.46 - 0.67 mg

Copper                        5 mg/kg of diet                                     0.066 - 0.96 mg

Magnesium                   800 mg/kg of diet                                 10.5 - 15.4 mg

Potassium                     35 mg/kg of diet                                   0.066 - 0.0.67 mg

Manganese                   50 mg/kg of diet                                   0.66 - 0.96 mg

Sulfur                           3 mg/kg of diet                                     0.039 - 0.058 mg

Selenium                       0.1 mg/kg of diet                                  1.3 - 1.9 mcg

Zinc                              12 mg/kg of diet                                   0.16 - 0.23 mg

Chromium                    0.3 mg/kg of diet                                  3.9 - 5.8 mcg

(note: other research has shown that giving chromium picolinate at 189 mcg/lb daily extends the lifespan of rats)

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